By Blessing Udeobasi

Her Media Diary Episode 27: “Finding Your Voice Amidst Chaos” with Rosebell Kagumire

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Rosebell Kagumire is a trained journalist, rights advocate, digital strategist, public speaker and award-winning blogger, with expertise in human rights, gender, peace and conflict issues.

In this episode, Rosebell recounts the challenges and dangers she faced as a young female journalist reporting from the front lines in South Sudan. These experiences exposed her to the harsh realities of war and the unique struggles faced by women in conflict situations and ignited her passion for advocating for women’s rights and African feminism.

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List of Organisations/Resources to Support Journalists

Holistic Resilience: Psychological care for journalists

Peace and Conflict Reporting Training

Journalists’s Toolbox


Shamiri institute

National Institute of Mental Health

Active minds

National Alliance on Mental Illness


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