Groundbreaking Workshop on AI and Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at AWiM24
The 2017 edition of the AWIM conference (#AWIM17) held at the Birmingham City University at a time that I was heavily pregnant with my third child. It was only 6 weeks to my due date. The conference focused on the kind of African women that work in British media, the issues around the representation of these women as regards content and the producers of British Media. It was a 1-day event and the panel was made up of people in Academics and the Media.
I am very particular about the synergy between what is researched and what happens in reality. The keynote speaker was Minna Salami popularly known as Ms. Afropolitan. The Head of Current Affairs from Channel 4 in the UK, Dorothy Byrne, hosted our first AWIM Pitch Zone. It went well, and feedback was very positive.
Check out the presentations slides here.
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