Groundbreaking Workshop on AI and Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at AWiM24
Data and information
Africa Centre for Disease Control (AfricaCDC)
World Health Organisation coronavirus updates
Google Schema: Testing Facilities
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Data
Journalism resources
Keeping people safe and informed about COVID_19 (by Facebook)
First Draft’s Tips and Guides for Covering COVID-19
World Health Organization travel advisories, tips for protecting yourself and media resources.
Global Investigative Journalism Network’s Tips for covering COVID-19.
Committee to Protect Journalists Safety Advisory on covering COVID_19
Global Investigative Journalism Network: Tips for Journalists Covering COVID-19
ICFJ: 10 Tips for Journalists Covering COVID-19
Poynter: A Guide to Responsible Reporting Around Coronavirus
PolitiFact: Seven Ways to Avoid Misinformation During the Coronavirus Pandemic Social Media Spreads Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory
Twitter and Facebook
Committee to Protect Journalists: COVID-19 Thread
Coronavirus Tech Handbook Facebook Group
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