Editorial Policy

AWiM is committed to producing high quality, ethical and impactful journalism. In line with our organisational mission, our work focuses on gender and media and, we prioritise stories that enhance the visibility of African women media practitioners wherever they are on the globe. Fundamentally, all content published on the AWiM website should be in line with the tenets of journalism: accuracy, objectivity, transparency, independence, and accountability. Beyond this, we commit to news that is fair, constructive, and impacts positively on society. 

Sponsored content should always be clearly marked as such when appearing on the AWiM news site. Likewise, corrections, updates, and retractions on articles need to be clearly marked to indicate the previous information alongside the revised or corrected version of the story. 



We are committed to producing and publishing work that is factual and accurate. All articles published by AWiM are subject to a thorough fact-checking process. Any mishaps in this regard are to be corrected immediately and with complete transparency. 



Our reporting is based on an objective representation of facts, allowing all sides of a story to be told. Ours is not to influence our readers, but rather for them to make sense of the facts presented to them and draw their own conclusions.



We are committed to transparency throughout our storytelling process. This principle applies to our reporting, publishing, and, corrections. 



It is important that our reporting is free from influence and bias. Our ethical standards apply to all sources regardless of position, race, sex, and religious or cultural identity.



The principle of accountability is central to maintaining a standard of journalism that is ethical, fair and trustworthy. We expect to be held accountable by our readers and greater community if we ever fail in meeting the standards we have set.


Constructive Journalism

We believe that journalism has to be ethical and constructive. This is particularly important in reporting on matters that have a direct impact on the lives of our sources, readers, and parties who are indirectly connected to our stories. Our representation of people, facts and context is equally important in ensuring that our work contributes to positive change and dialogue.



We believe that the standards we have set are central to the type of impact we have in the world. As much as we strive to reach as many people with our work, we also strive to ensure that our reach results in positive change in society.


Submissions Guide

All freelancers and contributors are required to pitch stories that align with AWiM’s editorial policy. Only pitches received via our online application form, found on the website, will be considered for commissioning and publication. All articles submitted to AWiM must have undergone thorough fact-checking and quality journalistic processes.


Fill in the pitch form here.