Groundbreaking Workshop on AI and Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at AWiM24
African Women in Media (AWiM), in partnership with the African Union (AU), International Labour Migration (ILO) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) launch the Labour Migration Media Awards. With labour migration becoming an increasingly important policy issue, the awards aim to celebrate and honour African journalists committed to labour migration issues in their reportage. It is envisaged that the project will culminate in the establishment of a community of practice of journalists reporting on labour and migration in Africa.
Award Categories
The awards are open to all African journalists, and entries must be published or broadcast with an Africa based media organisation. As such, in recognition of the important contributions of journalists to Labour Migration Reporting, we are pleased to announce the awards around the following issues in Labour Migration:
Deadlines: Entries are accepted between 19 October 2020 – 20 November 2020
Rules of Participation
Selection: A judging panel, comprising of representatives of project partners (AWiM, AUC, ILO, IOM) and two professional journalists, will select three finalists per category. Finalists will be asked to produce a short 30-second video explaining their entry, and share these on social media. The judging panel will select one winner for each category
Winners: Winners will be announced on 7 December 2020, and receive a cash prize of $500 each, and access to the five courses under the Labour Migration Reporting Training Programme on AWiMLearning.
Click here to submit your entry
By submitting your entry, you confirm that you have read and agree with these rules.
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