Gender reporting training programme

According to a recent study done by the Fojo Media Institute (Fojo) and African Women in Media (AWiM), equal representation in the media is still a long way off. Media is still very much male-dominated with few policies in place to improve the experiences of women journalists in the workplace.

The Gender Reporting Training Programme therefore aims to establish a network of women journalist with critical skills for gender-sensitive reporting and for the development and implementation of policies that create an enabling environment for women journalists.

The project is implemented by African Women in Media in partnership with Fojo Media Institute and comprises two courses:

1. Reporting on Women’s Rights

This intermediate to advanced course will focus on understanding the key concepts of gender-sensitive journalism with emphasis on the progress, protection and promotion of women’s rights in the newsroom. The training will cover issues such as the impact of gender inequality, anti-discrimination, gender stereotypes, women’s rights, gender sensitive language among others. It will equip participants, at either early or mid-career level, with the critical skills to report from a perspective of gender-sensitive values and on news stories that challenge gender stereotypes.

To apply for this course, click here 



2. Developing internal gender policies

This advanced course on developing internal gender policies will focus on how individuals, private and public media organisations, training institutions and policymakers can not only develop but also implement gender policies that protect women journalists. It will equip the learners with the critical skills to create fair policies in leadership opportunities for women, sexual harassment, maternity, salary discrepancies and many other issues to ensure an enabling working environment for women journalists.

To apply for this course, click here