Groundbreaking Workshop on AI and Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence at AWiM24
Enhancing the fruits of democracy by pushing for equal rights.
Putting Nigerian democracy in rights perspectives with a social contract to enhance dividends of democracy and bridge communication gaps.
Bridging communication gaps to ensure women are grounded in gender equality. While many societies have identified the importance of the free flow of communications in enhancing dividends of democracy and democratic principles, there are still no clear-cut promises in this line of action. State actors have often hijacked the information environment either to propagate hostile policies or prevent people from protesting same.
Yeye Honorable Nike Agnes Sobajo has been in the Nigerian political scene for a very long time and believes that one must identify problems before talking about remedies as highlighted in this audio feature.
Unveiling government policies to the citizens to access freely: Using information towards transparency and accountability to ensure women are educated and take up leadership in Nigeria.
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