By African Women in Media

Science and environmental journalism with an impact

Telling science and environmental stories remains a challenge for many journalists in Africa. It is even harder when it is an investigative piece. However, Joys Kimani— Kenyan journalist— has surmounted these challenges: she applied for and gotten funding with which she reported on the china ban on ivory and how that impacted on environmental conservation.

Joys sharing a light moment with a delegate at the AWiM19 Conference that took place in Nairobi from July 25-27

In her presentation at AWiM19, Joys walked her “class” through the entire production of her story and the impact it had. She demonstrated how she conducted her research on the story (using Google, Open data among others). She also counseled the class on how to survive in the field through strategies like carrying snacks. She was also candid about the challenges she experienced while reporting on the story.

See Joys’ entire presentation below


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